Samantha Henley

Massage Therapist

Samantha joins the Physio and Exercise Lab team, boosting our massage therapy services. She is passionate about assisting you in navigating the path to living your best life. Offering remedial, relaxation, and reflexology massage services, Samantha believes she can assist your bodies natural systems to return you to a healthy and pain-free state.

Samantha understands how challenging pain can be and navigating chronic conditions can be hard. Whether its lower back pain, shoulder and upper back tension, stress, or general muscular pain and tightness, she wants to make sure it’s not a barrier to you enjoying life to the fullest.

Providing her expertise to people of all ages, Samantha wants you to know that seniors should not be shy!


Prior to specialising in massage therapy, she has 30 years experience in aged-care services; increasing independence, improving mobility and well-being, and compassionately delivering individualised care to mature clients.